Podcast Production 

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Are you looking for someone to produce your podcast?

  • Jennifer will design a podcast in a style to suit you; narrative documentary, interview and conversations or panel discussions

  • Includes all stages of production; research, interviews, live and remote recording, writing scripts, hosting or voice coaching, publishing and distribution

  • Project manages music composition and sound engineering

  • Turn webinars and live talks into a podcast

    ”I love working with Jennifer. She has an excellent nose for the most interesting elements of a story and she goes the extra mile to make each episode the best it can be. I would not hesitate to recommend her services to anyone in podcasting.”

    Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director The Australia Institute and Host of Follow the Money


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Do you want to run a podcasting workshop?

  • Jennifer creates tailor-made podcasting workshops for Community groups, Corporates and Universities

  • With hands-on interviewing and recording practice using different microphones and audio recorders

  • Participants learn to write for the ear, interviewing tips and tricks, and how to create the best recording conditions at home or work

  • Basic audio-editing training is also available - create simple mixes with music and sound to enhance your storytelling

    Jennifer Macey is one of the best tutors I've had and the passion and engagement she brings to teaching is second to none.”

    Jade Ryrie UOW Journalism student

Family history

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Do you want to record the memories of an older person close to you?

  • Jennifer will meet with you to discuss questions designed to elicit the best family stories

  • Record and interview your family member or friend 

  • Edit the recording for flow and narrative storytelling devices

  • Mix music and sound to enhance the memories 

  • Add a photo slideshow 




Do you want some advice on how to make your podcast? 

  • Want to make a podcast but unsure what style or direction to take?

  • Jennifer facilitates guided workshops to focus ideas and build a podcast from scratch

  • Brainstorm names for your podcast, episode themes, topics, and interview partners

  • Provide advice on equipment, remote recording, podcast hosting platforms 

    “Jennifer is a gifted storyteller and podcast-maker. She uses the professional discipline from her days at the ABC together with her nose for a good story to craft tother an audio narrative that’s a treat for the ears.”

    Jo Upton 3rd place KCRW Radio Race 2016



Want to host a listening party or create an audio experience?

  • Listening parties are a public event featuring a collection of short audio stories curated around a specific theme

  • In 2019 Jennifer curated a Listening Party for The Rumpus on ‘The Sounds of Steel’, just up the road from the Port Kembla Steelworks

  • Jennifer designed an audio soundtrack as part of an immersive experience at the NSW Department of Justice and Communities’ 2019 annual conference

  • Whatever your requirements; an audio soundtrack for a slideshow or exhibition, Jennifer can create an audio experience for you

“The Listening Party was an event unlike anything else. It brought together storytelling, late night vibes, and inspiring themes. The program of audio artists was funny, moving, powerful and creative, all at once.”
Caitlin Marshall Co-Founder & Manager The Rumpus


Contact Jennifer Macey by email to enquire about these services and discuss packages.